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Announcements and Updates

Changes to Team Formatting

This year, we are implementing two major changes to the way the team will work. First, members will no longer be assigned to a team at the beginning of the year. Instead, individual participation, effort, and teamwork will be gauged throughout the first semester by Mr. Beilin and the board. Only then will we determine who is on Team 1 and who is on Team 2. Second, members are now encouraged to prepare for 5 events rather than 3 in order to have more flexibility when making changes to the event schedule. However, this does not mean you will participate in all 5 events; of these 5, you will participate in 3.

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SciOly Response to COVID-19

Science Olympiad has published a plan for how competitions will work based on the severity of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Depending on whether schools have in-person education, teams will be able to participate in a normal SciOly Tournament, Satellite SO, mini SO, MY SO, or the 3 Cs. For more information, click the button below


Informational Meeting

This year's informational meeting will be held on Friday, September 4th at 12:00 p.m. Both new and returning members are welcome. We will be going over this year's events, changes due to COVID-19, future invitationals, and the tryout process. Click the link below to join the meeting through Zoom!


Harvard Undergraduate Science Olympiad

The Harvard Undergraduate Science Olympiad is excited to announce the new HUSO Online program and HUSO Online Open competition! HUSO Online is a free virtual academic program that focuses on 20 subjects in the world of science, complete with recorded and live sessions + educational resources. These lessons will culminate in the HUSO Online Open where competitors will be able to put their knowledge to the test! These initiatives will run alongside, but independently of, the scheduled HUSO Mini SO competitions, and are designed to be a free, open-access platform to democratize access to STEM education and tournaments.

HUSO Online can serve as a supplemental resource to help succeed at both SciOly and non-SciOly affiliated competitions.

Registration for interested participants and teams will open soon. More information about HUSO Online + the HUSO Online Open can be found in the link below.

©2020 by Beckman High School Science Olympiad. Proudly created with

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